"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." Martin Luther King, Jr
The Truthful history of the Ancient Black African Civilizations in Egypt has been stolen, falsified, distorted, and whitewashed.
To reclaim the legacy of Black people in History and restore their names in the events that have shaped the History of Humanity.
Due to the historical erasure of the Black legacy, it is necessary to create spaces like BAM for all races to learn about this hidden legacy to humanity. The side effect of this historical erasure has resulted in generations who have been challenged with a crisis of racial identity and difficulties in how to relate to one another.
In today’s society, every racial group including Black people, have been taught & trained to believe that Black is an inferior race. Nevertheless, millions of the African Diaspora are still suffering from this mental alienation & psychological trauma as consequences of slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, and structural racism all around the world. To destroy this indoctrination, we need spaces such as the Black Ancestors Museum, to reverse the narrative about Black people’s inferiority. Our Black Ancestors were the creators of the most advanced civilization of antiquity in Egypt and this is what we must be teaching in today’s society.
The great achievements of this Ancient Black African Civilization are safeguarded in the most important European, American, and Egyptian museums with their own Eurocentric interpretation which is very far from the Historical Truth.
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