"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." Martin Luther King, Jr


According to the research of Laird Scantron:

  1. The Dogon share many cultural… traditions with ancient Egypt.
  2. Dogon religious traditions often reflect those of ancient Egypt…
  3. Dogon’s astronomical practices parallel those of ancient Egypt.
  4. Dogon mythology is organized like Egyptian mythology. It includes similar stories about similar characters who often carry similar names and attributes and who play parallel roles in each mythology.
  5. The Dogon exoteric priestly tradition is reflective of what we know about the priesthood in ancient Egypt.
  6. Resemblances between Dogon and Egyptian words are not incidental. Most of the Dogon and Egyptian word comparisons presented are based on similar pronunciation and at least two levels of common meaning, and they may be supported by common diagrams (Egyptian glyphs and Dogon cosmological drawings) or by parallel placement within the overall cosmology.

For all these undeniable facts, the only conclusion is that the Dogons are direct descendants of the Ancient Egyptians.

The Dogon commemorates the star Sirius A’s fifty-year elliptical orbit around Sirius B with the Sigui Celebration held every sixty years. The Sigui celebration was held in 1967, the next is expected to be celebrated in 2027. According to the Dogons, it commemorates the star Sirius B’s rotation as the renewal of the earth.